Ceramics are a family of hard, brittle materials that can withstand high temperatures. They’re strong and durable so they’re often used in industry to make parts for ovens or microwaves because you never have to worry about them breaking from overuse. In fact, most ceramic-based gadgetry will last three times longer than their metal counterparts!

Scandia Art

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Why is Scandinavian design important?

A guiding principle of Scandinavian design is to establish harmony with one’s environment and to create things made to last. It seeks to compliment the art of living well by promoting a simple home environment that is filled with quality items and enhances an unencumbered lifestyle devoid of excess consumerism.

In this way it’s both important for an individual, as a home environment that encourages a life well lived is an increasingly important counter to the pressures of modern life, and for the planet, as it challenges rampant consumerism and deepens our connection to nature.

Sacred Seeds

For centuries the planting of the seed in the earth not only nourished humanity, but also symbolized the mystery of life and the journey of the soul. Yet, modern culture has begun to lose an appreciation of the primal meaning of the seed. 

In this series of my art, it attempts to bring it back

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